The Courage to Persevere
Dr Palevsky speaks with Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada. A powerful conversation.

Dr Palevsky on the Dr Brian Ardis Show
Dr Palevsky Speaks with Dr Ardis on his popular show... This is a fascinating, in depth and data driven episode.....don't miss it!

Covid-19 Exposed Part 2
In this powerful film, world-renowned pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky reveals the scientifically-backed TRUTH about the injection that is being rolled out around the world. Watch Part 2 Now. www.Jasonshurka.com/censored

Dr Palevsky on “Healing the Whole Child Naturally in Current Times”
Dr Palevsky’s interview with the team at Freedom Broadcasters International Livestream “Healing the Whole Child Naturally in Current Times” www.freedombroadcasters.com

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Speaks about Vaccines & the Covid-19 Vaccines for Children - Part 1
Dr. Lawrence Palevsky on "Inspired Blessings with Jean Marie Prince." Dr. Palevsky shares why vaccines aren't safe for children and why the Covid vaccine is a serious concern. Please watch this informed interview before you vaccinate your children or yourself! www.blessedtoinspire.com

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Speaks about Vaccines & the Covid-19 Vaccines for Children - Part 2
Dr. Lawrence Palevsky on "Inspired Blessings with Jean Marie Prince." Dr. Palevsky shares why vaccines aren't safe for children and why the Covid vaccine is a serious concern. Please watch this informed interview before you vaccinate your children or yourself!

Death of The Germ Theory 2021
Dr Palevsky Joins Sacha Stone & Imani Mamalution for Our
Brain Trust Dive Articulation: The Death of the Germ Theory 2021
with Dr Lawrence Palevsky, Dr Christiane Northrup, Dr Sherri
Tenpenny, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman

Dr Palevsky - Understanding Covid-19 & The Vital Role Viruses Play In Human Health
Dr Palevsky speaks at the Our Global Microbiome/Take Back Your Health Conference - Understanding Our Relationship with the Viruses, Bacteria and Molds Around Us.
Listen to him discuss "Understanding Covid-19 & The Vital Role Viruses Play In Human Health"

Dr Palevsky Speaks on The Covid Vaccine On Trial...If Only You Knew
Watch the replay of this powerful webinar..and catch Dr Palevsky along with other world renowned experts (physicians, scientists, lawyers, activists etc.) as they discussed the many unanswered questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine on February 10, 2021.
Watch this Interview Here: (Dr Palevsky starts at 47:13)

Dr Palevsky Speaks about Germs, Covid19, and Vaccines - Interview by Dr Tommy John
Why the whole western medical system needs to fall apart, the problem with saying you "caught a virus," what is Covid-19, and why this new vaccine is supremely dangerous and a mass murder weapon.

The Story Behind Vaccines with Dr Lawrence Palevsky on Innovative Medicine Podcast
Not many topics are as polarizing as vaccines. But with more children and more adults in a chronic state of disease, is the idea that health must come through a needle the right one? This podcast is dedicated to asking questions and reviewing the data, science, and experience surrounding vaccines. This is the story behind vaccines with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky.

Dr. Palevsky Talks Viruses, Vaccines, and Our Future
Dr. Palevsky provides innovative insight as to what a virus actually is, why we can't catch them, why this new "vaccine" isn't a vaccine at all, what is more likely causing some illness on the globe, and what we can do to survive and thrive in 2021. Hosted by Alec Zeck, Dr. Tommy John, and Jo Yi MD of Health Freedom for Humanity.

One of the Most Important Conversations Facing Humanity Today
Dr Palevsky joins Imani from New Earth Pulse along with Dr Christiane Northrup and Kevin Jenkins for one of the most important conversations facing humanity today.
This is super powerful and must be heard! Spread it far and wide...

What Have We Really Been Exposed To?Dr Lawrence B Palevsky in Discussion with Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada
This is a powerful conversation that you don’t want to miss!

Dr Larry Palevsky, Dr Christiane Northrup & Kevin Jenkins discuss an array of topics around Covid-19
Listen in on this passionate & eye-opening conversation between Dr Larry Palevsky, Dr Christiane Northrup & Kevin Jenkins as they discuss an array of topics around Covid-19.
Subjects include whether the vaccine is safe for pregnant women, for children, blind adherence to the CDC and other health and governmental entities, the impact of Covid-19 policies on the black community and much more. A deeply empowering conversation, not to be missed.