+1 631.262.8505        

Virtual Patient Office Visit Policy

Dr. Palevsky has had a Virtual Patient Office Visit Policy in place since November 2011. Over time, however, he has become lenient, and has not enforced the policy on a consistent basis. Due to the increased volume of emails he receives, it is necessary for him to reinforce this Policy. Please read the Policy carefully, and proceed where necessary. Dr. Palevsky will do his best to answer acute health issues for existing patients in his practice as quickly as possible.

This Virtual Patient Office Visit Policy is designed to provide EXISTING PATIENTS with the opportunity to seek medical advice from Dr. Palevsky between office visits. He recommends using this Virtual Patient Office Visit Policy as an opportunity to send photos, short videos, and short descriptions of your children’s acute health issues, so you can receive holistic medical care in your own home without having to run to his office, or to urgent care or another medical provider’s office.

If you are an existing patient, and you have chosen to seek medical care for your children from another medical provider, and then reach out to Dr. Palevsky for him to weigh in on his medical opinion, please understand that he will need you to use this Policy to receive his evaluation and treatment plan for your children, as well.

It is Dr. Palevsky’s intention to continue delivering exceptional care, and he remains committed to facilitating an avenue of optimal communication with his patients. Please consider each email program below, and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Again, please note, this Virtual Patient Office Visit Policy to receive medical advice from Dr. Palevsky is ONLY available to existing patients in his practice.

12 months of Email Contact – up front payment of $900 to be paid via Pay Pal. Please click here to sign up for this program. This option will give patients an opportunity to receive medical assistance and medical advice for their children and families via email with Dr. Palevsky, throughout the 1-year period from the day they sign-up. A copy of the email exchanges will be placed in the children’s charts.

6 months of Email Contact – up front payment of $450 to be paid via Pay Pal. Please click here to sign up for this program. This option will give patients an opportunity to receive medical assistance and medical advice for their children and families via email with Dr. Palevsky, throughout the 6-month period from the day they sign-up. A copy of the email exchanges will be placed in the children’s charts.

Pay per Email Exchange – $40 per email to be paid via Pay Pal. Please click here to sign up for this program. This option will give patients an opportunity to receive medical assistance and medical advice for their children and families for each individual issue that arises. A copy of the email exchanges will be placed in the children’s charts.

Please Note: If you email Dr. Palevsky for medical assistance or medical advice, and you have not signed up for the single email exchange, or the 6-month or 12-month email program, you will receive a return email requesting that you go to the Pay Pal link for Pay per Email Exchange before you can receive professional assistance via email with Dr. Palevsky.

When Dr. Palevsky receives an email from a patient seeking medical advice, please understand that he may need a phone consultation or in an in-person meeting to appropriately answer your questions.


How the Virtual Patient Office Visit Email System Works:

Short Emails: Dr. Palevsky will use email to answer parents' questions about their children’s medical issues, that require no more than about 5 minutes of his time. For those patients who pay per email exchange, and the concerns raised in the email require Dr. Palevsky to engage in several back and forth emails, patients will only be charged $40 for the entire set of email exchanges, as long as the issues raised in the exchange are simple, and require no more than about 5 minutes of his time.

Long Emails: Please try to refrain from writing long emails to Dr. Palevsky. If you do write a long email, it will be read, and printed for your child’s chart, but Dr. Palevsky will not be able to appropriately address your concerns in writing. To best address your child’s specific situation, the issues raised in these emails usually require more in-depth conversations that need to happen during scheduled conversations with Dr. Palevsky, either by phone, or in the office. Dr. Palevsky will notify you of this need if he feels the length of the email, and the issues raised, require you to consider making a phone or office appointment.

First Time Patients: Patients who see Dr. Palevsky for a first time visit will be granted one follow-up email correspondence with him free of charge, to help clarify medical issues that came up in the session. If you are an existing patient, please understand that once the office visit is over, any new set of questions sent to Dr. Palevsky via email is considered a new email consultation and will be charged, accordingly.

Understanding the Virtual Patient Office Visit Email System: Dr. Palevsky receives numerous emails from parents that address their children’s ongoing acute and chronic health issues. He often receives these emails having not seen the children in the office for a significant length of time. He may, therefore, not be up-to-date with the children’s daily regime, which includes, but is not limited to, their diets, supplements, behaviors at home and in school, current emotional or psychological stressors, any intermittent medical treatments that might have been administered, and progress or regression since their last visit. Dr. Palevsky understands that there are many contributing factors that might bring children to present with the symptoms or issues parents are concerned about.

Sometimes the issues develop because the children are eating foods that are not good for them, even if the foods have appeared not to create problems in the past, or there are new foods in their diets that have now become a problem for them. Sometimes, it’s because the children have stopped taking their supplements or are not taking them consistently. Or, symptoms may arise as a result of new side effects of the supplements, medicines, or vaccine(s) the children have received in the interim. Often, the developing symptoms/issues parents have become concerned about may be good for the health of their children, and more time is needed to see how things unfold. Sometimes, children develop symptoms because they have difficulty adapting to changes in the seasons, or, because the family is living a day-to-day schedule that is out-of-sync with the direction of the changes in the seasons. Sometimes, the children have reached a critical threshold for how much stress their bodies can take, which they hadn’t reached previously, leading to the development of a new set of health concerns.

Dr. Palevsky appreciates the individuality and uniqueness of each of his patients, and that is the reason he is unable to offer a quick-fix, magic bullet response to the problems described in the parent’s long emails. Your children’s issue(s) may necessitate a longer conversation with Dr. Palevsky so that he can more efficiently assess and understand your situation and appropriately advise you about the next steps to take. This can only be achieved either in an office visit, or in a scheduled phone consultation, but not in an email.

Available Resources:

For Guidance If Your Child is Sick, Please CLICK HERE

For other Resources, Please CLICK HERE

PLEASE NOTE: This is for Dr. Palevsky’s patients only. If you have any problems ordering please call 631 262 8505


If you don’t have a Paypal account, major Credit Cards are also accepted when you click to purchase. Cost: $40 per single email. Select quantity then click the button.


Cost: $450 per six month period. Click the Paypal button. If you don’t have a Paypal account, major Credit Cards are also accepted when you click to purchase.


Cost: $900 per one year period. Click the Paypal button. If you don’t have a Paypal account, major Credit Cards are also accepted when you click to purchase.

Agreement: By clicking here, you are agreeing to pay Dr. Palevsky this fee for professional assistance via email as per the detailed explanation set out in the Patient Email Policy. Additionally, by clicking here, you are agreeing that you are a patient who has already been seen by Dr. Palevsky in the office.