We The People - Protecting Our Children Part 2
Educational Options with Homeschooling, Unschooling, Deschooling
Part 2 of this 3-part talk series is all about Alternative Education Options, as the schools are falling hard for the vaccine industry standards which cause severe fear, biovocation and segregation in schools.
Some questions that are relevant:
What is happening to our children as an effect of the global
plandemic implications?
It is important to comprehend the psychological impacts of the
programming that inevitably occurs for the younger generations
as we each navigate these uncertain times.
Our younger generations will be our next succession and are we
imparting them with the ability to think for themselves? Are we
teaching them how important it is to be courageous?
That it is ok and healthy to stand out and be unique?
Are we teaching to learn about their sovereignty instead of
group-think mentalities?
Join Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Imani Mamalution, Dr. Pam Popper, Reinette Senum, Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Christiane Northrup for this important & empowering conversation.

We The People - Protecting Our Children Part 3
Educational Options with Homeschooling, Unschooling, Deschooling
Part 3 of this 3-part talk series is all about Alternative Education Options, as the schools are falling hard for the vaccine industry standards which cause severe fear, biovocation and segregation in schools.
Some questions that are relevant:
What is happening to our children as an effect of the global
plandemic implications?
It is important to comprehend the psychological impacts of the
programming that inevitably occurs for the younger generations
as we each navigate these uncertain times.
Our younger generations will be our next succession and are we
imparting them with the ability to think for themselves? Are we
teaching them how important it is to be courageous?
That it is ok and healthy to stand out and be unique?
Are we teaching to learn about their sovereignty instead of
group-think mentalities?
Join Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Imani Mamalution, Dr. Pam Popper, Reinette Senum, Dr. Tom Cowan for the third in this series of compelling and informative conversations.

Doctor’s Panel - Vaccine Shedding, Transmission & Solutions
A Special Presentation by Vaccine Choice Canada.During this Special Doctor’s Panel these highly respected doctors discuss the pressing concerns of Covid-19 Vaccine Shedding, Transmission and Solutions. Dr Larry Palevsky, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Patrick Phillips join Dr. Stephen Malthouse for this rich and revealing discussion!

Dr Palevsky in Conversation with Aga Wilson from The Free Voice
Dr Palevsky Discusses the Covid Crisis, Children, Lockdowns,
Jabs, Censorship, and the Violation of Human Rights. The Free
Voice is an independent Swedish news outlet

Dr Palevsky Answers Questions & Shares Vital Insights with the Community of Glorious and Free
Glorious and Free, founded by biochemist Sylvain Henry, is an active group of freedom fighters across Canada that started at the height of the Plandemic to help regain freedoms.

Dr. Larry Palevsky & Dr Sherri Tenpenny on the Glorious and Free Podcast
Glorious and Free, founded by biochemist Sylvain Henry, is an active group of freedom fighters.

The 5 Docs Return for this Special Edition of Critically Thinking with Dr T & Dr P
In this episode the Docs discuss ‘How Many Absurdities Have Permeated the Minds of the Masses in the Last 18 Months?’
Don’t miss the important take-home points at the end!

MYTH: Covid-19 Injection is a Vaccine. Dr Palevsky Speaks to Teens & Their Parents
Dr Palevsky Speaks to Teens & Their Parents in this Vaccine Forum addressing the myth that the Covid-19 Injection is a vaccine.. Interview followed by a Q&A

An Update with The 5 Doctors: Transmission Protection & Treatment Possibilities
Transmission Protection & Treatment Possibilities with Dr Larry Palevsky, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Christiane Northrop, Dr Carrie Madej and Dr Lee Merritt

The 5 Doctors Discuss COVID Shots and Infertility
On Sunday, May 16, The Five Doctors gathered to continue the discussion regarding the transmission of "something" from an injected (vaccinated) person to those who have not been injected (unvaccinated).
Join Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Lee Merritt as they discuss the long-standing plan for infertility vaccines and the deeply troubling approval of the Pfizer shot for 12- to 15-year-old children.

Dr Palevsky Discusses Vaccines, Current Events & Human Development
Listen in as Dr Palevsky discusses Vaccines, Current Events & Human Development with the team at Connecting Consciousness.....A deep discussion that will illuminate & inspire you.

Is Health Sovereignty "Insane & Dangerous"?
Dr Palevsky & Leila Centner from Centner Academy join James Grundvig on his show Freedom Friday at Five Show on American Media Periscope.

Critical Thinking, Insights and Concerns - An Interview with Dr Palevsky on Inspired Health Podcast
In this podcast, Dr. Larry Palevsky, shares with us his insights around kids, brain development, the importance of experiencing discomfort and his personal thoughts and concerns around our current state of affairs.
- Identifying with the body’s natural capacity to heal.
- Learn what NOT to tell your child when they are upset.
- Discover how children learn and how to support them.
- Understanding how the brain develops and its relationship to learning.
- Why owning our own “knowing” is so essential and how this relates to the predicament we are currently in at this time.
- Learn the value in discomfort.
- Critical thinking, insights and concerns for our current state of affairs.

Sayer Ji Interviews Dr. Larry Palevsky & Dr. Peter Breggin
Sayer Ji interviews Dr. Larry Palevsky and Dr. Peter Breggin on the topic of Masks and Social Distancing in Schools, the nature of "Covid" (bioweapon or non-entity), globalism as a context for the agenda, and related topics.
The health and well-being of our children is under assault. This is a vitally important topic and conversation.

Is Their “Shot” Putting YOU at Risk?
Watch this powerful & urgent Critically Thinking episode with Dr Palevsky & Dr Tenpenny and their special guests Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Christiane Northrup, Dr Lee Merritt. Moderated by Maureen MacDonald. Do. Not. Miss. This.

Dr Palevsky Speaks on 'A Natural Approach to Cancer Prevention'
Dr Palevsky Speaks on ‘A Natural Approach to Cancer Prevention’. He shares his nutritional wisdom as a featured speaker on The Beljanski Foundation’s Healthy Tuesday’s Speaker Series. Dr Palevsky begins his talk at 45:11 although we encourage you to listen to the whole video.